Expectation versus Reality

That most of the time our expectations and experience will not match is something that am steadily learning.That life might not go the way you expect it .Am learning to live for this moment.Appreciating where I am and being grateful for everything that makes my life worthwhile.While bantering with a friend the other day, she said laughing ” I honestly thought 2018 was my year” , I laughed and said ” me too” when I realized the year was almost over.However ,in our conversations we also realized that we were not where we were when the year began.So much had happened that we had not expected.When we have expectations of particular things we want in our lives, sometimes we forget the growth we are experiencing.Any growth in your life is important because life is a process.Not that expectations are bad or anything, but I think it is important to have the heart of accepting that things might now go as we want them to all the time.Sometimes we focus so much on what we expect and forget on the unexpected blessings and growth.Those unexpected things that give us joy.Be grateful for those no matter how obvious or small they are.

Being in your 20s is probably something that makes us learn about expectation versus reality.When we are young, our expectation of being in our 20s is graduating college, getting a job in your career, getting married, buying a house , figuring out life and so on.When you get there, you get the pressure to adult and figure out every important thing in your life.It gets rough when that doesn’t happen.One thing you will discover is that no one really has their life figured out and people are just trying the best they can.When you think some people are doing well, you later find out that they still harbor doubt.Its a hard transition because upon graduation you are excited and have high expectations but sometimes life has other plans .Its a brutal reality check no matter how well prepared you were for it.You wonder if you will ever get there.And because of the uncertainty of these expectations,I think this is an age one is prone to depression, anxiety, drug abuse and wrong choices because its a phase of trying to find self.Its a confusing stage.

It is completely normal if you are going through this.Whatever the situation, things get better and giving up should not be an option.The most important thing is to love yourself because you are your best advocate.When you love yourself, you will believe in yourself and focus on what is ahead.If there is anything you want to change, go ahead and change it and believe that you will achieve everything you want.At your 20s you have the opportunity of trying things out and learning from your mistakes.You have a whole lifetime ahead of you and this is the best time to change yourself because you become more self aware about your career, relationships, personality and what is important to you.While it might take time to reach your expectations , I think the most important thing is to trust God and to believe in yourself.Only you can do that.Only you.

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7 thoughts on “Expectation versus Reality

  1. This is a very encouraging read and it’s so timely in this period of the year. Sometimes feeling like giving up but when I look back to where we were before,I just raise up my hands and say ;so far Jehovah is Embenezah..
    Thanks Faith for this prophetic article 😍😍😍

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