Comparison is the Death of Joy

You probably spend a lot of time on social media, don’t you? if you don’t, you are a minority today.Social media is an amazing platform.It has given us an opportunity to connect with our family,friends and even clients online.We are therefore constantly visiting sites like Pintrest,Facebook,Instagram,Snapchat and other sites to connect with people.Most of our time is spent checking our phones because we do not want to miss any updates from these sites.While this has helped us connect with people it has a great downside to it.Comparison.We are always comparing ourselves with the other people in the internet.

For instance, you started following this cute couple on Instagram and they are ” goals”. They are everything you would want but you are single.You even remind God that they are exactly what you want and hope for nothing less.If you are in a relationship you probably ask yourself where you went wrong.If you are an entrepreneur and see another entrepreneur doing great ,you really wish you were him/her because your profits are not close to what he/she is making.Such incidences make us compare ourselves with others and could make us question our self worth.Even when you are happy that people are doing great, when you compare their achievements with yourself you will always feel bad about yourself.

Here is my advice.Stop it. Stop comparing yourself with others.Just stop it.When you compare you life to others ,you will find your life wanting.I understand that we are human beings and we are prone to envy and comparing, but even though it is normal, it is not healthy.From the bomb profile pictures to great vacay pictures and life events, people will always show the best parts of their lives, but most of the time you will never get to see their behind the scenes.Most people on social media create an impression of perfect lives, but there is no one who has a perfect life.Perfect doesn’t exist.Has it occurred to you that what people put online is controlled unlike your own life which is real.Their content is curated for reasons best known to them.Most peoples real life does not make it to social media.Trust me, in your life , there will always be someone doing better than yourself.If you live to compare yourself with others you will always be pitiful of yourself and you will be setting yourself up for failure.As Mark Twain said “Comparison is the death of Joy”, don’t lose your joy by comparing yourself to others .

When you come across other peoples beautiful and wonderful achievements, fix your eyes to the road that leads you to yours and be grateful for the far that you have come, if you are tempted to compare their success to yours then count your blessings.Most of all,always love yourself and focus on the positive things in your life.If you really cant help but compare yourself, then just quit social media or reduce your time on it and direct your energy to things that matter.


16 thoughts on “Comparison is the Death of Joy

  1. Social media is a minefield. All those happy people not being struck by lightning or eaten by bears. It’s enough to drive you to drink. As Gore Vidal said, “Whenever a friend succeeds, a little something in me dies.”

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Thank you for your thoughts! So very true that most humans do not like who they are or what they look like or what their life is like but they get to choose how they lives their lives by living who God made you to be! No matter what God created to Love Him. He has a perfect plan for you. Just Love ,God , get to know Him by His Word and change to live your dreams He has for you! Love yourself to do the best you can and love others by Godโ€™s Love! You are Wonderfully made in Christ through His Salvation plan ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ™

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